For Educators

How to Get Started with Instructional Technology Coaching

Our program begins with a carefully designed teacher selection process that is constructed jointly between your administrative team and an instructional technology coach (ITC). The ideal teacher candidates for this program is a novice or intermediate technology user who is particularly interested in professional growth, is excited to critically examine their own pedagogy, and is looking for new technological approaches to their curriculum. Once the teachers are selected, our instructional technology [...]

2021-01-28T12:43:27-08:00July 7, 2015|

Why Technology is Essential to a 21st Century Education?

First, it is important to discuss the value 21st century education technology brings to the classroom environment. There are four major areas: First: The addition of technology into the classroom can help transform the classroom experience from a classic teacher centered one into a student-centered experience - with students taking a more active role in their learning. In a student-centered classroom, the teacher becomes more of a guide as the students [...]

2021-01-28T12:46:21-08:00May 18, 2015|

Technology In The Classroom: A Student-Centered Approach

In traditional classroom settings, teachers lecture while their students sit passively listening and watching, perhaps one student at a time might be called upon to reflect or answer a question. Today, this is known as a "teacher-centered" approach to learning. This typically occurs when there is no use of technology in the classroom. In contrast, a "student-centered" approach shifts the focus of activity from the teacher to the learners. The teacher [...]

2021-01-25T14:20:51-08:00May 18, 2015|
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