For Tech Dept.

3 Critical Steps for Integrating Technology at Your School

[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left" overlay_strength="0.3"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]The verdict is in: technology holds an important place in the classroom and can have transformative effects on schools, students, and teachers. However, without a thoughtful and intentional approach to implementation, schools can create problems that could otherwise be avoided. Recognizing the value of technology for student and institutional success, some schools have made rash decisions to bring tech into [...]

2021-03-31T12:02:20-08:00October 1, 2017|

3 Steps to Cultivate a Culture of Teacher Leaders

The successful implementation of any type of innovative program or initiative at a school relies largely on effective project planning, support from all invested stakeholders, and strong leadership. Though research shows that technology in education has endless benefits for students, teachers, and institutions alike, not all educators are convinced. Or rather, some educators have not yet experienced the added value technology can bring to the classroom. Since technology grows and [...]

2021-01-25T14:12:48-08:00September 1, 2017|

Using the SAMR Model to Assess Your School’s Technology Use

The SAMR Model Explained Bringing technology into a school exemplifies progress. However, such a move is only the first of many if the school wants to truly advance their academic programming with technology in the classroom. One way of evaluating the use of technology in the classroom is with the SAMR Model. Created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the SAMR Model is a tool that allows teachers to assess how deeply [...]

2021-07-05T12:54:11-08:00August 16, 2017|

5 Tips for Selecting a Learning Management System (LMS) for Your School

For those who are new to the LMS scene, learning management systems have pervaded the higher education sector for over fifteen years, and have most recently found their place in the K12 setting. What schools are most interested in, as it pertains to learning management systems, is a single shared ecosystem that unifies educators, students, and parents. When schools begin their preliminary research in the learning management system space, it [...]

2021-01-28T12:29:58-08:00December 27, 2016|

How Knowing Technologies Transformed My Instructional Approach

Before the Technology Coaching Program, I knew little about using technology in the classroom.  My general computer skills were minimal, my understanding of the breadth of educational technology was limited, and my repertoire of instructional strategies--linked to technology--was almost non-existent. I didn’t know how to use Google Calendar or, really, the Google suite of options at all. Organizing my drive was a vague and cool-sounding idea, but going about it? [...]

2021-01-28T12:32:19-08:00December 27, 2016|

Why Every School Should Consider a Personalized Learning Network (PLN)

A professional learning community (PLC) is not a new concept in the field of education. In fact, it is widely considered as a way of operating rather than a thing.  PLCs can play an integral role in any school and have the power to build a shared value of continuous improvement. "So why don’t all schools have professional learning communities?" As many educators have experienced, the major challenge associated with producing [...]

2021-01-28T12:41:58-08:00August 18, 2015|

5 Reasons the E-Rate Program is Good for Your School

Why is E-Rate program good for your school? The schools and libraries universal service support program, commonly known as the E-rate program, helps schools and libraries transform into 21st century learning centers. The FCC program offers eligible schools, school districts and libraries funding  for telecommunications, telecommunications services and Internet access as well as internal connections, basic maintenance of internal connections, and managed internal broadband services. The discounts available can add up [...]

2021-01-25T14:17:40-08:00May 29, 2015|

How to Craft Your School’s Educational Technology Philosophy

Develop a Statement of Educational Technology Philosophy Before putting an instructional technology program in place it's a good idea to have a statement of philosophy. A successful instructional technology program must begin with objectives. One strategy is to capture those objectives in an instructional technology philosophy document. This document provides the basis of a technology action plan, and answers the most prevalent questions for faculty. Key elements of your statement [...]

2021-07-05T12:10:59-08:00May 18, 2015|

5 Policy Suggestions that Make Hiring Instructional Technology Leaders Easier

When it comes to hiring Instructional Technology leaders competition for the best candidates can be fierce. Here are 5 Policy suggestions that will make it easier for your school to attract the best talent. Separate technical support, instructional support, and network operations. Crossover causes dilution of responsibilities and lowers overall responsiveness. Create support processes for students as instruction continuity will rely on all students having problem-free devices. Hire (possibly) part [...]

2021-01-25T14:19:16-08:00May 18, 2015|

12 Obstacles Every Instructional Technology Plan Should Overcome

Often there is a sense that a school is missing opportunities for integrating technology into the education of its students and failing to reap the benefits that such integration brings: enhanced engagement, information processing and discernment skills, technical skills, and fair preparation for career opportunities in the age of information. Traditional teaching is great for intrinsically engaged students, but today’s students are learning differently, and have immediate, ubiquitous access to [...]

2021-01-25T14:19:48-08:00May 18, 2015|
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