7 Steps to Preparing a Technology Plan for Schools
Build your technology program from the ground up A technology plan for schools (especially independent schools) can be difficult, expensive, emotionally charged, and mired in distracting non-issues that at times can seem, well, religious. They can get bogged down by well-meaning parents, hobbyists, and even technology leaders from industry that are certain that the problems the school faces are easily solved, and just require [...]
How to Craft Your School’s Educational Technology Philosophy
Develop a Statement of Educational Technology Philosophy Before putting an instructional technology program in place it's a good idea to have a statement of philosophy. A successful instructional technology program must begin with objectives. One strategy is to capture those objectives in an instructional technology philosophy document. This document provides the basis of a technology action plan, and answers the most prevalent questions for [...]
5 Policy Suggestions that Make Hiring Instructional Technology Leaders Easier
When it comes to hiring Instructional Technology leaders competition for the best candidates can be fierce. Here are 5 Policy suggestions that will make it easier for your school to attract the best talent. Separate technical support, instructional support, and network operations. Crossover causes dilution of responsibilities and lowers overall responsiveness. Create support processes for students as instruction continuity will rely on all students [...]
12 Obstacles Every Instructional Technology Plan Should Overcome
Often there is a sense that a school is missing opportunities for integrating technology into the education of its students and failing to reap the benefits that such integration brings: enhanced engagement, information processing and discernment skills, technical skills, and fair preparation for career opportunities in the age of information. Traditional teaching is great for intrinsically engaged students, but today’s students are learning differently, [...]
Why Technology is Essential to a 21st Century Education?
First, it is important to discuss the value 21st century education technology brings to the classroom environment. There are four major areas: First: The addition of technology into the classroom can help transform the classroom experience from a classic teacher centered one into a student-centered experience - with students taking a more active role in their learning. In a student-centered classroom, the teacher becomes more [...]