Knowing Technology Resources

Knowing Technology Resources2021-03-23T01:37:18-08:00

How We Evaluate Your School’s Technology Use

[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left" overlay_strength="0.3"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]If you are questioning your school’s use of instructional technology or are struggling to develop a long-term technology plan, then you are a part of a larger network of schools grappling with the same predicament. You may be asking: Can I justify why these investments are essential to a 21st-century education? Are our faculty [...]

August 28, 2015|For Administrators|

Why Every School Should Consider a Personalized Learning Network (PLN)

A professional learning community (PLC) is not a new concept in the field of education. In fact, it is widely considered as a way of operating rather than a thing.  PLCs can play an integral role in any school and have the power to build a shared value of continuous improvement. "So why don’t all schools have professional learning communities?" As many educators have experienced, [...]

August 18, 2015|For Administrators, For Tech Dept.|

Why Educators Need Conferences AND Individual Attention

Written by Jim Puccetti, Director of Teacher Development and Instructional Design As a high school teacher for over a decade, I have experienced some excellent conferences and workshops all around the country that focused on technology integration. One of my favorite faculty professional development experiences has been the national Cue Conference, held annually in Palm Springs, CA. It is the largest and oldest education [...]

August 18, 2015|For Administrators, For Educators|

How to Get Started with Instructional Technology Coaching

Our program begins with a carefully designed teacher selection process that is constructed jointly between your administrative team and an instructional technology coach (ITC). The ideal teacher candidates for this program is a novice or intermediate technology user who is particularly interested in professional growth, is excited to critically examine their own pedagogy, and is looking for new technological approaches to their curriculum. Once [...]

July 7, 2015|For Administrators, For Educators|

5 Reasons the E-Rate Program is Good for Your School

Why is E-Rate program good for your school? The schools and libraries universal service support program, commonly known as the E-rate program, helps schools and libraries transform into 21st century learning centers. The FCC program offers eligible schools, school districts and libraries funding  for telecommunications, telecommunications services and Internet access as well as internal connections, basic maintenance of internal connections, and managed internal broadband services. [...]

May 29, 2015|For Administrators, For Tech Dept.|
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